The Abandon

The Abandon

Nefthar, a remarkable planet, bestowed the gift of life upon its surface. Diverse organisms, plants, and wild animals thrived across its continents, oceans, and scattered islands, particularly the ancestral land of Iridia. Harmony and peace reigned, with no civilizations to disrupt the natural balance.

Then, the Generators descended from the heavens. 

These celestial beings coveted a rare mineral known as The Alpha, concealed beneath Nefthar's surface. Their colossal DrillerShip landed in the Great Sea, causing tidal waves as they extracted this molten mineral from the planet's core.

The true purpose behind their obsession with Alpha remains a mystery, but they aimed to ensure it worked on their home planet. To achieve this, the Generators initiated experiments across Nefthar, manipulating the genetics of creatures from every species they encountered. The astonishing properties of Alpha fused these animals' bloodlines with the Generators' own, giving rise to the Genfolk.

The Genfolk came in various forms: FishGens, DogGens, BirdGens, InsectGens, and even DinoGens. Unfortunately, not all of these species survived to modern times.

When the DrillerShip, anchored deep within Nefthar's core, departed, it triggered a monumental upheaval known as The Great Shake. The land experienced tremors, seaquakes, and earthquakes, rendering agriculture nearly impossible. The Genfolk endured harsh nomadic lives, devoid of spoken languages.

The Great Shake had other significant consequences:

The emergence of underwater Molten-Alpha Volcanoes

The formation of Alpha Reefs in the Never Sea

The creation of Alpha Mountains on Edgen Island

The ascent of the Cat Gods

When the Generator's ship in Sharptooth Valley activated its engines, it prompted a massive attack by the Gen Dinosaurs, leading to the ship's destruction and the near-extinction of the Dinosaur species. A colossal dust cloud shrouded the entire Valley for decades.

Edgen Island was predominantly inhabited by the Cat People. Drawn to shining objects, they built villages around powerful Alpha crystals. These crystals exerted a mesmerizing effect on the Catgens, who began to consume Alpha-infused air, water, and even the crystals themselves. The results were astonishing.

The Catgens developed unimaginable powers, transcending their mortal limits. The crystals had melded with their bloodlines, enabling them to manipulate reality itself. However, some argued this power came at the cost of their sanity.

The fate of other Edgen tribes remains unknown, but the Catgens, increasingly powerful and eccentric, grew weary of their island home. Some ventured across the Alpha Mist, exploring the Great Sea for new lands, creatures, and adventures.

Many were lost, driven mad by the Glittering Mist, stranded at sea, or prey to the terrifying Creatures of the Deep.

Whalla the Whale witnessed these events, founding Whallands with the philosophy of Whallanism against the mingling of Alpha with DNA. Whallands harnessed Alpha from a volcano called Alphorge to create  powerful accessories, materials, or garments. Their society thrived as the most advanced of its era.

The Catgens who reached the Mainland of Iridia chose to settle in a coastal bay they called The Frontier. This area was home to the Bovinegen (buffaloes, bulls, bison, antelope, and gnus) and the Primategens (gorillas, orangutans, chimps, and various apes and monkeys), the original inhabitants of Genesis City.

Impressed by the Catgens' powers and personality, these tribes embraced

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